Trichorhina tomentosa - Dwarf White Isopod Care Sheet
Updated: Aug 27, 2023
Trichorhina tomentosa, also known as dwarf white isopods, are small, hardy, and easy-to-keep arthropods that are commonly used as part of a bioactive setup for terrariums and vivariums. Here is a caresheet to help you take care of your Trichorhina tomentosa:
Housing: Trichorhina tomentosa can be housed in a wide variety of enclosures, such as plastic or glass containers, but they prefer a moist environment with a substrate that retains moisture. The enclosure should have adequate ventilation to prevent mold growth. You can use coconut coir, sphagnum moss, or a mixture of both as the substrate. The depth of the substrate should be at least 2 inches.
Temperature and humidity: Trichorhina tomentosa thrives in temperatures ranging from 68-77°F (20-25°C) and a humidity level between 70-80%. You can maintain humidity by spraying water on the substrate or adding a water dish to the enclosure. Ensure that the water dish is shallow and small enough for the isopods to climb in and out of it easily.
Feeding: Trichorhina tomentosa are omnivores and will feed on a wide variety of organic materials, including decaying plant matter, dead insects, and even their own molts. You can provide them with a balanced diet by offering a mixture of fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein sources such as fish food, cat food, or chicken feed. Make sure to remove any uneaten food after 24 hours to prevent mold growth.
Breeding: Trichorhina tomentosa are prolific breeders, and if conditions are optimal, they can reproduce quickly. They give birth to live young, and the babies are fully formed when they are born. To promote breeding, ensure that the enclosure is kept at the recommended temperature and humidity levels, and provide them with ample food and hiding places.
Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to keep the enclosure clean and prevent mold growth. Remove any uneaten food, feces, and dead insects regularly. You can also add springtails to the enclosure to help keep it clean.
In summary, Trichorhina tomentosa is a hardy and easy-to-care-for species that makes an excellent addition to a bioactive setup. With proper housing, temperature, humidity, and feeding, you can enjoy watching them thrive and breed in their new home.